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Call Reports can be localized into any language supported by Windows 8.x. Instructions on how to load a language pack onto your Windows PC can be found here: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/2607607/en-us

Localization is currently limited to the fields in a call report. System-wide labels are currently in English and we are looking to incorporate localization of the full application in the next version (H2FY14). Examples of items that will currently display in English are the buttons used for navigation and dialog boxes (as shown below):

To localize a call report, select the language from the drop-down list.

When you scroll through the list of languages, you will see them color coded based on translation of the form. If the language is orange, it is partially translated. If the language is green it has been completely translated, otherwise the color is black.

For each field in the call report, double click on it to translate. Type in the translation on the right side and either hit enter or click the "Update" button to save the changes.


You will only need to do this once for the first call report that create from the global template. When you create a new call report as a copy of this one, it will retain the localization that you already completed. You will only need to localize any new fields that you added. There is no save option here. All updates are available as you complete the localization.