Conditional Logic

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While adding new fields to a form, you can attach certain conditional logic. Conditional logic allows you to show or hide questions/fields based on answers to previous questions. This makes the form more user friendly, more organized and hence easier to answer/fill up.

To add a condition, right click on that question/field and click on 'Set Conditional Logic' (as shown below):

A pop up window (as shown below) will appear.

There are 3 sections in this popup page that you need to answer. The system will decipher the conditionality of this field as a combination of the values of the 3 sections you have chosen.

Section 1: has 3 options. You have to choose any one.

1) "Always Show this field (no conditional logic)" - This is the default selection

2) "Hide this field if ..."

3) "Show this field if ..."


Section 2: " ... the response to the following field (select one) ... "

Here, the value(s) chosen on preceding 'single select list' question  or  'multi-select list' question or  a "Yes or No" question with in the same section will be displayed.

Choose the appropriate question.

Section 3: Selecting positive (inclusive) or negative (exclusive) conditionality

Here, the values of the question selected in Section 2 will be listed. Choose the values and decide whether the condition has to be applied if user selects those values OR user excludes those values.


Special Conditional fields and changes in the new "Corporate Global Store Visit Template - FY15" template"

Depending on the answer (yes or no) selected for these questions, all fields/questions in the remainder of the form that have a conditional display logic attached to these question will be hidden or displayed. If you do not set that logic, the question always appears.

After adding / saving the conditions, click on the "Save" button on the landing page (Form Edit page) as well. Only then, the editing will be complete.

See Appendix C for the definition of available field types.