Call Reports

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Call Reports

In this module, the user can view / create / manage different call report forms.

Call reports can be 'Event Reports' or 'Word on the street reports' or 'Store Visit Call reports'.

Event Reports and WOTS report have a global design and are pretty much the same across countries. WOTS report cannot be edited by Country Administrators (except for competitor information), but Event Reports can be. Store Visit Call Reports can be created and maintained by country admins. This offers country administrators and managers flexibility in managing and generating reports on their field labor activities in their country. Country Admins can either create a Store Visit call report based on a Global Call Report template or based on other existing localized call reports. This copies over a lot of existing fields and allows admins to make only necessary tweaking and modifications (e.g. specific to store chains).

For creating custom call reports the system offers a variety of field types and response types (e.g. large text box, photo capture, drop down list, multiple select list, etc.) to best format your data collection needs. Appendix C gives a complete list of field types (and their definitions) that can be added in to call report forms.

Call Reports also allows users to group related questions as sections and supports basic conditional display of fields / questions. For example, one can create a drop down menu with 5 items/options in it and set a condition that if the user selects the 5th item/option, then display another question/field related to the fifth item, else do not show that question/field at all.

All forms have support for language localization. The client application detects the language setting of the device. If a translated content is added / available (in part or in whole) for a call report (e.g. title, field names, prompts etc.), the translated content will display instead of English.

The entire interface has over 100 functions and features and will take 15-30 minutes to learn how to use this. Reading through this section and experimenting with your own call reports will allow you to be able to create your own highly formatted call report and further expand your productivity efforts.