Custom Event Report

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Creating Custom Event Report

Step 1: Click on 'Create Event Report' button on Custom Reporting Center main page to get started.


For Global Read Only users, there will be a 'Country' select menu on their main page. A country has to be selected before they can see various create buttons.

You can also navigate in to 'Custom Event Report' page by changing the selection in 'Report Type' drop down from 'Create Call Report' page or 'Create RSP Training Report' pages. Like shown below:

Step 2: Choose the questions / fields from Event Report

On this page, you will see two horizontally arranged panels. The top panel shows the list of selected fields / questions (in the order of appearance) and the bottom panel shows the list of all available questions / fields for selection. You will be able to see all the fields / questions available in the Event Report. All fields are grouped based on sections (e.g. Event Detail, Store Employee Training etc.). The collapse / hide button will help you expand / minimise the list. 'Type' refers to the response type of the field / question.

To add / select a question / field in to the upper panel, Click on the plus button  corresponding to the question in the lower panel. You can also drag and drop the questions. As you add / select a question / field, it disappears from the bottom panel.

If you want to remove a selection, just click on the corresponding minus button  on the top panel. It will appear back on the bottom pane. You can also drag and drop the questions to the lower panel.

You can grab any question and drag it down or up to allow you to select the desired order of your questions.

Once your field selection is complete, please proceed to the next page by clicking 'Next' button. You also have the choice of going back to the previous page (form selection) or canceling this activity altogether.

Step 3: Choose Filter Criteria

On this page, you will see two vertical panels. The panel on left side is for filter options and the one on right side is where the report will be displayed.

On the left panel (shown in the picture below), you can select filter conditions based on date range, Store location, User Roles, user names etc. (just like how you would do in dashboard reports). By default, current week is pre-selected in the date range box. You may click on the date picker to change the date range. Market, User Role and User Name filters are in fact sub-filters. That means you have to select a value in the higher filter for the lower filter options to populate.

Step 4: Run the Report

Refer to this link

Step 5: Save current custom report (optional)

Refer to this link

Step 6: Share a saved custom report (optional)

Refer to this link