Getting Started

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Before you can use the REP portal, you should have completed the following steps:

REP – Engagement Survey

This survey requests the following information:

       Country contact information

       Current reporting capabilities

       Field labor breakdown by representative types as defined in the Field Labor Play book

Roll Up File

After completing the survey, a Roll Up file needs to be pre-populated in to the REP system / database for your country. This allows you to more quickly and easily start your core database of stores and users.

The roll up file defines:

       Administrator user name and temporary password

       Retail Chains

Chain Classification – used to assign different execution/support levels per stores in the chains. Refer to the Field Labor Play book for definitions of Good/Better/Best execution.

       Retail Stores


GPS coordinates

Monthly Visit Frequency

       Territory structure

       Field Reps and their managers

Once both of these files are complete and entered into the REP system (approximately 2 business days after the last completed submission of the Roll Up file), you are ready to access the portal and begin the maintenance tasks.

You are now ready to begin modifying the REP system to suite your needs. Please refer to Appendix A for a checklist of tasks to complete during your initial setup